Category Archives: Events

9th PanCare Meeting Bucharest, Romania

10 – 13 May 2012

Hotel Pullman Bucharest
World Trade Center

Specialists from across Europe will have a dialogue in a multidisciplinary setting about long-term care plans for survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer. For the first time, Eastern European priorities will be firmly on the agenda and will be represented by a maximum turnout of specialists from Romania and its neighbouring countries.


10 May PanCare open business meeting
11 May PanCare Open Session
– Inviting Eastern European delegates to the dialogue
12 May Parallel sessions
– PanCareSurFup
– SROHP meeting
13 May SROHP meeting
– The annual gathering of the Romanian National Society of Paediatric Hemato-Oncology

Invitation and agenda for PanCare and SROHP meetings in Bucharest May 10-13 20124 >>

Report of the first Irish Conference on Survivorship after Cancer during Childhood and Adolescence

This conference was held on 26 November, 2011 in the Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin from 10 am to 4 pm. It was organised by the Boyne Research Institute, Drogheda, Ireland, in association with PanCareSurFup‘s Work Package 7 (WP7), and the Irish Cancer Society. Co-sponsoring organisations were the Children‘s Medical & Research Foundation of Our Lady‘s Children‘s Hospital, Crumlin, Dublin, Novartis Ireland and Bristol-Myers Squibb Ireland.
The conference targeted survivors and their families and also, specialists, general practitioners, nurses and other health professionals. Registration was free. A total of 111 guests attended; about 70% were survivors and family members.
Speakers were primarily drawn from PanCareSurFup and included Lars Hjorth, Mike Hawkins, Momcilo Jankovic, Elvira van Dalen and Gill Levitt. Other speakers included Alex Brownsdon, Harry Comber, director of the Irish Cancer Registry, Michael Capra, paediatric oncologist at Our Lady‘s Children‘s Hospital, Crumlin, John McCormack, CEO of the Irish Cancer Society, and representatives from CanTeen Ireland, Barretstown Castle and ICCCPO (Gerlind Bode).
The keynote speaker was Irish MEP Nessa Childers, who reminded survivors not to even think about smoking, and to take control of their health.
A survey of those who attended showed a high level of satisfaction with the conference, the speakers and the arrangements. Most rated all elements on the survey as „Excellent“. BRI staff are currently analysing the data from the surveys. A final report will be placed on the conference website – The website carries the full programme and the presentations from each speaker . Numerous photos from the event can be viewed on, as well as on the conference website.

By Julie Byrne

Nov. 26, 2011 – Irish Conference on Survivorship after Cancer during Childhood and Adolescence

The Boyne Research Institute, Drogheda, Ireland in association with the Irish Cancer Society will host the first Irish Conference on Survivorship after Cancer during Childhood and Adolescence.

This 1-day conference will take place in the Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, on Saturday, November 26th, 2011.

Registration opens on 1 September, 2011. For more information visit