Paediatric Oncology for Cancer Registries Training course

IARC, Lyon, France

25–29 November 2013

Increasingly, there is a need to use clinically relevant information in population-based research. This development increases the usefulness of both clinical and population-based resources and provides the basis for making appropriate policy decisions and contributing to etiological and clinical research. The collection of additional data items with clinical relevance in population-based cancer registries requires well-defined standards and additional resources, in terms of both personnel and expertise.
With the aim of building expertise, Paediatric Oncology for Cancer Registries is a unique course, organized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in the framework of the European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents (ENCCA), a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission in FP7.

Aims of the course

The course aims to strengthen knowledge of epidemiology, biology, clinical practice, clinical research, survivorship, and ethical issues in paediatric oncology. The course will provide insight into clinical practice and develop understanding of linkage of clinical data with population-based cancer registries. Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to initiate the collection of highly specific data items, understand their meaning, and apply the relevant quality control to these data, thus actively contributing to the relevant international studies.

Target audience

The course is designed for the staff of the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) member registries, including research directors, epidemiologists, physicians, pathologists, statisticians, and registrars. A basic knowledge of cancer registration techniques, data collection, classification, and coding is assumed. Fluency in English is also required. Up to 40 participants will be admitted to the course.
There is no registration fee, but participants are expected to cover their own travel and subsistence expenses. Interested candidates should submit an application form (available online) before 28 June 2013. The selected candidates will be informed by 31 July 2013.

Further information

IARC, 150 cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France


Download leaflet for the course here (pdf)