PanCareSurFup Bulletin #8



 PanCareSurFup Bulletin

Eight Issue

Download PanCareSurFup Bulletin nr 8

PanCareSurFup-Bulletin-nr--8Dear Friends,
Since Bulletin #7 we have sent in all clarifications to the second EU-report to the Commission and we await their reply.
The next General Assembly will take place in Lucerne (Switzerland) all day October 7 and half day October 8 (followed by the PanCare meeting noon-noon Oct 8-10) so it is advisable to arrive in the afternoon/evening of Oct 6. We have generous help by Gisela Michel and her co-workers to set up a good meeting at the University.
In this issue of the Bulletin you will learn about the work in WP7 (Dissemination and Training) from the Work Package Leader, Momcilo Jankovic from Monza (Italy) and from the deputy leader Julianne Byrne from Drogheda (Ireland). I hope you will find their answers and stories as interesting as I do.

I wish you all a continued long and relaxing Summer!
All the best,
Lars Hjorth
Coordinator PanCareSurFup

Please widely disseminate to interested colleagues.

Should you have any comments on the PanCareSurFup Bulletin, do not hesitate to contact office<at> (please replace <at> with @).