PanCareSurFup is hosting a European Conference!

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PanCareSurFup for Childhood Cancer Survivors

– European Conference
Acting Now!

PanCareSurFup: PanCare Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivor Care and Follow-Up Studies is a consortium of 16 European institutions in 11 countries, funded by the 7th Framework Programme. The purposes are to carry out research studies into late effects of treatment for cancer, to establish guidelines for follow-up, and to disseminate the results and provide training and workshops for stakeholders. The long-term benefit is to provide every European childhood cancer survivor with better access to care and better long-term health.

PCSF held a European Conference from May 23rd to 24th 2016 in the Thon Hotel EU, Brussels. The conference was intended for oncology professionals and researchers, MEPs interested in cancer care issues, policy makers at national and EU level, survivors and their families.


OUR WARMEST THANKS! To speakers, participants, sponsors, staff and moderator Vivienne Parry for making this event a success.

Stay tuned at this page for pictures, films, presentations and summary report to be published shortly.

Find the recorded sessions here:

For further information on the conference programme and the conference venue please view the PCSF Conference Information Online Booklet.


The consortium is proud to acknowledge the support of the following organisations:


PanCareSurFup Logo EU Emblem
SIOPE full logo Magica Cleme logo
DeutscheKinderKrebsStiftung FIEOP ONLUS Italian Foundation of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Barncancerfonden 2 FIAGOP
Comitato Maria Letizia Verga  Logo FMBBM